Thursday, December 9, 2010

From the results of the questionaiire that I gave to 20 people I have a rough idea of who my general audience are.


      I questionnaired 11 girls and 9 boys, all of whom are between the ages of 17 -  18. This is the age of which i would like my proffered audience to be at. 

£3 - £3.50 was the most common answers for this questions. along side this i have conducted research most high end music magazines around the retail price of £3.50 - £4 my magazine will most probably be retailed at around £3.50

From the Twenty students that i asked, the majority of them would prefer to read an indie/alternative magazine, this is mostly because they feel that they have more of a verity of artist, this was also a reason for the students that voted for the R&B category. 

Their was defiantly a significant correlation between people who listened to a type of music and who would read a magazine about their preferred genre.  Overall indie/Alternative was the most common choice who made me feel curtain that the indie/alternative magazine would be the best choice for me.

The students who filled out these questionnaires  are close to my age because i feel, being in the same age gap as them i will be able to focus on what they want as they are my preferred audience for this task. i would be the target audience for this specific magazine

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