The double page spread has to be representative of both the magazine and the audience showing the codes of the band and must include the conventions of a magazine.
In every double page spread you will find images of the artist or subject of the convosation. The text is always based in column format. It regularly features quotes and questions that stand out either size wise to presented in a different font to cath the readers attention and the very samwe quotes are featured in the columns.
The large image allows the audience to identify who they are reading about. The artist is always represented in a way that would represent the genre that they are related to.
In this image lilly allen is seen sporting and short black messy bob hair style. For alternative/indie singers messy dark hair is common, various artists with this style of hair are singers such as kelly Osborn and both the lead singers of the XX.
Her clothing in the image is baggy and lazy, representing herself as a "more for the music" sort of girl other than an accessories and labels person.
Multiple columns are on the double page spread. With interviews, it usually lasts for 4 - 5 pages so usually the first double page spread is dominated by the image of the interviewee.
The font of the main text is large and various in size which could be code to the audience and indesisivness. Some words are highlighted red, a colour scheme that run throughout the history of 'Q Magazine', lilly has also addressed thiis colour scheme with her tarten shirt also being red.
even though this double page spread is not from a magazine it sill follows the same conventions of a magazine. It still shws several colmns and has a large image taking up one half of the page. the big SELF OBSESSION strands out form the rest of the twxt beause of the diffetrent font, colour and size it is being shown through. The same colour scheme is being carried through througho out the page which is black and white.
Yet again in this magazine all of main factors iof a double page spread have been shown, multiple columns, large image and diferences in text and font. NME's main colours are red black and white, the same theme that has been used in the image that features Florence and the Machine. The flag and the BIG Letters 'USA' in the background is a obvious sign that the artist is either american or that they are conquering america. Either way you would assume that the artist and america are the main point of topic in the particular peice.
shit editing. although pretty helpful